General News

Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day 15th July 2018

Guy’s & St Thomas’ Kidney Patients’ Association invite kidney patients and their friends and family to a family fun day (including a FREE BBQ) on Sunday 15th July, commencing at 1pm. The event will be held at King’s College Sports Ground, Brockley Rise/Stillness Road, London SE23 1NW. Buses P4,122,185 run near

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Dr Benedict Lyle Phillips

New technology in kidney transplantation

Moving out of the ice-age Guy’s Hospital has introduced new technology to bring kidney transplantation out of the ‘ice-age’. For the last 60 years, deceased-donor kidneys have been preserved on ice at 4°C before being transplanted. This has been an effective and inexpensive way of keeping kidneys viable. However, there

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