Results of the latest PREM survey
The PREM results have just been published and at Guy’s our highest scores were in the following sections:
- Privacy and dignity
- Access to the renal team (answering questions, contacting the team)
- Patient information
- How the renal team treats you (listening, caring, taking you seriously)
- Understanding the reasons for tests and the results
- Scheduling and planning of appointment times and consultations.
The results
The results showed room for improvements in the following:
- Helping you to access patient support groups
- Sharing decisions
- Transport
- Needling with as little pain as possible.
A high score
The overall score for patient experience in UK renal units was high and Guy’s compares very favourably with other inner-city renal units. The areas where we do well and the areas where we need to improve are the same across the country.
Our aim is to work in partnership with patients to continually improve our services; please let us know if you have any suggestions or would like to be involved in developing our services.
Ros Tibbles, Service Improvement Nurse
Tel: 020 7188 7552
More information
The annual PREM survey is supported by Kidney Care UK and the UK Renal Registry.
To read the PREM report visit