Jennifer Salmon

Jennifer Salmon, Kidney Care UK Patient Support and Advocacy Officer

Jennifer Salmon is the Kidney Care UK Patient Support and Advocacy Officer for the KPA. Her role is to support anyone affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD) including patients, their loved ones, and carers.

I can provide information and support on a wide range of issues relating to CKD including treatment options, benefits, housing, and employment. I’m also here to provide emotional support and help people access the services and benefits that they may be entitled to, including how to access our counselling service. If you meet our eligibility criteria, I can tell you how to apply for a Kidney Care UK grant.

If you would like support, please email or call our Support Line free of charge on 0808 801 0000 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

We just need some basic details to start with and then the referral will come through to me.

For more information visit the Kidney Care UK Patient Support & Advocacy Service.