Dr Peter Harrison

Meet Dr Peter Harrison our new Chair

Meet Dr Peter Harrison (aka Peter!) who takes on the role of Chair at the Guy’s & St Thomas’ Kidney Patients Association.

Peter was born in Guy’s hospital and many years later became a medical student and then a trainee in renal medicine at Guy’s and Thomas’ before becoming one of two consultants in renal medicine in Bristol.

He helped set up a transplant unit in Riyadh Saudi Arabia and further transplant units in Saudi Arabia and in Malta. In Norwich he helped to train young doctors, while more recently Peter is an elected Governor with Guy’s and Thomas’ in various roles.

Peter says…

I have a long standing affection for Guy’s and the opportunity to return and help support kidney medicine in the area was too strong to resist and I’m delighted to have been selected to be your Chair at GSTT KPA.

Peter brings a wealth of knowledge and skills can you bring to the role of Chair at the KPA. He helped develop the renal unit in Bristol with raising funds for kidney machines and then a combined children, younger persons and adult dialysis and integrated transplant unit.

Away from the consultation room and theatre, Peter is a passionate gardener having developed from scratch his garden in Norfolk which opened in the National Garden Scheme. He is hugely concerned about climate change, especially the future for his daughters and grandchildren. Peter also has a love of classical music, especially opera and supports a number of opera companies and he gives support to all young people to have the opportunities in any area they choose.